October 12, 2003

A Good Day To Nap

Today there was no sunshine and warmth in my windows. It was a gray day, a good day for napping. My Favorite Human left early this morning, before Furry Face got up. She said she would be back but I tried my hardest to convince her not to go.

While she was away, I filled my time by sleeping with Furry Face. This usually only last for a short time but I thought I would try…what am I to do when my favorite human leaves and I don’t want to nap alone? Furry Face stayed in proper sleeping position for a little while, than he moved, and I left. I would sleep with him more but he just wakes me up to often when he rolls around. My Favorite Human returned and she gathered me up and brought me into the room with the big, comfy blanket. I usually like to find my own spot on the bed but I humored her and slept in the spot she picked for me. She even opened the door a jar which always makes me rest more easy. Who wants to sleep when your only way out is shut tight? She covered me up with the blanket and she and I had a nice long nap. My Favorite Human got up before me but that was ok. I was too cozy and content to follow her. When I finally got up, I was restless and used some of the time to sniff things in the room with my scrathin chair. This distracted My Favorite Human (MFH) and she got out my mouse on a string and hung it from the door so that I could play. That was a nice change of pace. While we had been napping, Furry Face (FF) had left and when he returned, he and MFH went through the door and down the stairs that they will never let me explore. It smells very interesting down those stairs like the outside but more damp. They never let me go down there. Don’t know why. Anyhow they are both click, click, clicking in front of the bright windows in the Scrathin Chair room. Its dark and quiet in the Comfy Room, and I am going to curl up in the middle of the blanket on the bed and take a nap now.

Posted by Zodie at October 12, 2003 07:54 PM
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