November 04, 2003


The Catchow website offers you the option of having your own webpage. I noticed that there was only one other cat listed from Vermont. Where are the rest of my cat buddies, slacking on the internet usage or are they non catchow eaters. Yikes thats a scary thought. I checked out some of the other featured cats and just some random listings. They were interesting. I went to have MFH register for me (she is the one with an email account and knows more about photos and html than I do.) But the site says they are updating their site so no new accounts or changes to current accounts until Nov. 1, 2003. I was ok with this on Friday but now its 11/4 and still the same message. Sigh, I was hoping to get more of a readership for my blog if I could post the url on a new webpage on catchow. I really want to create a page on catchow but should I consider looking at another cat food site? Oh, what a quandary. Guess I will nap on it today and see if they change their site tonight.

Posted by Zodie at November 4, 2003 07:25 AM
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