November 20, 2003


Lately, I've been sleeping with my humans at night. I think they need to get a larger bed. There is not enough room for all of us to stretch out comfortably. Blankets get pulled back and forth, there is a lot of rolling around to get comfortable, and then when we are all settled...the beep, beep, beep machine goes off and they get up. It all breaks up my sleep cycles. I shouldn't complain because I really like sleeping with them and curling up next to MFH. I still think they should get a larger bed but I am glad they let me sleep with them. Guess I will go take a nap in my pink bed or maybe my blue kitty condo or maybe my two story kitty condo downstairs or maybe the sofa or the rug on the upstairs landing or....maybe I already have enough places to sleep and shouldn't complain about the comfy room bed. I should count my blessings. When my humans get home tonight I am going to give them extra kitty love.

Posted by Zodie at November 20, 2003 06:28 PM
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