October 17, 2003

11-Year-Old Talks Pong Smack

What a riot!

Tim: My line is so beating the heck out of your stupid line. Fear my pink line. You have no chance. I am the undisputed lord of virtual tennis. [Misses ball] Whoops.

Nine kids are forced to sit in a room playing the classic games of yesteryear. What happens when they stop being polite (after 15 seconds) and start being real? Go read Child's Play right now. Seriously. Funny, funny stuff. I feel old :P

Posted by Chris at October 17, 2003 04:38 PM | TrackBack

"Tim: How could you miss that? It was going like 1 m.p.h."

In my day this was pretty fast. We used chess to fine tune our hand and eye coordination and not computer games back in the good old days. We also got more pleasure living our own lives instead of playing God and watching Sims live their lives. Sigh, oh for the good old days of pong...you could only spend so much time watching the little square go across the screen and hearing the blips before you decided that you should be spending your time doing something more exciting. Games today make life seem boring.

Posted by: WonderWhyWoman at October 17, 2003 05:29 PM

Shoot- I remember when all of those games they forced those kids to play came out. Super Mario Brothers was an awe inspiring game. Pac-man was cool because it was a break from shooting things and bouncing things- (lots of kids knew the patterns the ghosts would follow and could play indefinately- not me- I was too tense to play that game getting chased and sh*t). There was this other game called Zaxxon (sp) that was a big deal because it was a 3d-like sort-of perspective.
I actually had a pong game (well after it was cool or up to date to have one- coleco's and activision's had come out by then.) But I also vaguely remember when Black and White televisions were relatively common (you could still buy them).

Posted by: Djc at October 18, 2003 07:00 AM
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