November 04, 2003

Trippy, But in a Bad Way

Linda Tripp is getting $595,000 of YOUR tax dollars because the government apparently violated her privacy. Yes, you read that right.

Actually, Eric Alterman argues that the government didn't actually do anything wrong, and that the whole thing came out as a result of diligent, fair reporting. Ordinarily, I'd research it a little bit more. But I'm just so pissed about the whole thing.

Says Tripp: "The government should never be permitted to use Privacy Act-protected information to discredit political opponents." Honestly, is Linda Tripp really the person to be talking about the dangers of using private information to discredit others? The Smoking Gun points out that Maryland has some wiretap laws that apparently didn't seem of such a high social importance to Tripp at the time.

That's it: I'm subtracting ($595,000 / My percentage of all US taxation) next year! Screw you, Linda Tripp! You're only getting $594,999.9999997*!

*: (rounded up)

Posted by Chris at November 4, 2003 08:31 PM | TrackBack

It just doesn't seem possible that the government could do anything wrong. I'm shocked that the taxpayers are getting the shaft for dirty politicking and shady doings.

Posted by: Dana at November 5, 2003 01:32 PM
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