December 03, 2003

A Nerd Most On

Today I left Best Buy because of terrible customer service. To give you an idea of how bad it was, I found much better customer service at STAPLES. Normally, the only place worse than Staples is Radio Shack. But Best Buy beat even my worst Radio Shack experience. Details too painful...cannot explain. Must...let...anguish...pass....

Calpundit theorizes that Ralph Nader's likely presidential run will be good for the Democrats because so many of them hate Nader they're likely to come out of the woodwork and actually vote. My theory is that the 35% of eligible voters nationwide that vote are actually all the people who really exist, and the apparent population discrepancy is the result of census numbers forged to aid in local electoral redistricting measures. So I think 100% of eligible voters are actually voting, and there are way fewer people in this country than we're told.

Don't mistake my kindness in letting you cross the street with an unwillingness to run your FAT FUCKING ASS OVER if you slowly saunter across while I sit there. Bitch.

Tires are expensive.

Take back Saskatchewan.

Posted by Chris at December 3, 2003 08:55 PM | TrackBack

I, like a moron and against my usually better judgement, went to the new Best Buy the day after thanksgiving. I have never before attempted to go shopping on the day after thanksgiving because I always assumed it would be crazy out there. I made an exception because I was bored and I had just recieved a $200 gift certificate to BB for my B-day. Without exageration there was a minimum of 50 but perhaps as many as 80 people waiting in line to pay for their goods- and that remained a constant the entire hour I walked around the store.

Posted by: Dana at December 4, 2003 06:54 AM
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