A Few Photos from the Historical Aviation Memorial Museum at Tyler, Texas

30 May 2013


Tom Hildreth

The FJ-4 Fury was a succesful USN/USMC carrier-based attack aircraft. It represented
the ultimate development of the famed North American F-86 Sabrejet series.


The museum's big F-105 Thunderchief was a "T-Stick II" version with a Loran system installed along
the upper spine to help bombing accuracy. The F-105 was a warplane from the 1950s without peer.


The North American F-100A was the first operational jet fighter capable of supersonic flight on the level. The A version was a fair-weather fighter, and equipped what was known as Fighter Day Wings in TAC.


The Tyler museum's Phantom II is an F-4D version, s/n 66-0812.


The US Navy version of Sikorsky's succesful H-19 was the HO4S-1. This helicopter
was introduced as a general pupose and anti-submarine observation platform in 1950.


The following link will bring you to an informative page
on this museum: Historical Aviation Memorial Museum

The End

EMAIL Tom Hildreth