October 30, 2003


Hello America: I'm Don Rumsfeld.

Well, I'm sorry to say, this is my last day guest-blogging on this site. I've had fun this week, chatting about all the stuff near and dear to my cold, black heart. We laughed, we cried...well, I didn't cry. I didn't laugh either. I'm not a real "emotion" sort of guy. And that's a good thing. That's what's wrong with the world, really: too many humans, and too much humanity. All the emotion and togetherness! People helping other people! Making the world a better place for future generations! Leaving their mark on the world! Spreading joy! Wasting precious minutes gazing at the clouds! Bah humbug! I sneer as I type it!

Am I glad I had the chance to guest blog here? Sure I am! Would I do it again? Sure I would! Are you going to miss me? Sure you are! Will you subconsciously wish for my return after I'm gone? Sure you will! Will Chris invite me back? Sure he...might!

But first, I'd like to address one last question from Lolly.

Q: Wouldn't you say that American Revolutionaries, by todays standards, would be considered terrorists? Furthermore- doesn't that point illustrate fairly clearly that words like "terrorist" are sort of stupid?

Oh yeah- and isn't declaring war on a concept stupid too? If we're going to do that...why not declare war on Bad Taste- or Uncertainty?


A: The American Revolutionaries weren't terrorists, because they were American. The French Revolutionaries, though, were real terrorists, and it's just as well they had a taste of fascism in the 40s. A lot of people tell me that's terrible to say, but hey: we bailed them out, right? Sheez! And that's why you can't declare war on bad taste: if we did, there'd be no one left but me.

-Don Rumsfeld

Posted by Rummy at October 30, 2003 11:14 PM | TrackBack
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